In Vascular Disease, blood vessels are affected. They can get blocked, rupture, or degenerate.
This leads to a lack of blood supply
to the affected areas.
Studies indicate that in some conditions, patient’s own bone marrow stem cells can lead to restoration of blood supply.
Bone marrow cells are known to be effective in treating Peripheral Vascular Disease (a disease that leads to loss of blood supply mainly in the feet and hands). Lack of blood supply to the feet leads to a gangrenous state where there is tissue death. Until now, vascular reconstruction and angioplasty were the main options to restore blood supply. In many cases, these approaches fail and this may lead to amputation of the affected limb.
Injection of bone marrow cells in such patients leads to restoration of blood supply.
Evidence indicates that bone marrow cells are involved in formation of new blood vessels. Improvement of key clinical parameters such as Ankle Brachial Index and TCPO2 was observed in patients who were scheduled for amputation. Consequently, amputation was avoided.